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- 2014 Society for Prevention Research (Washington, DC, May 2014).
Building Partnerships Across and Within Borders: Pre-Piloting the Good Behavior Game (ELOS) and Making Connections in Brazil Through Prevention.
Gail Chan (AIR), Anja Kurki (AIR), Raquel Turci Pedroso, (Brazil Ministry of Health), Anissa rahnamaye Rabbani (Brazil Ministry of Health), Ingrid Hrusa Coutinho da Silva (Brazil Ministry of Health), and Jeanne Poduska (AIR). -
The Good Behavior Game Professional Development Trial: Preliminary results based on classroom observations.
Anja Kurki (AIR), Wei Wang, Yi Bing Li, Kristin Hall and Jeanne Poduska (AIR). - Blueprints Conference (Denver, CO, April 2014).
Good Behavior Game: Success in the Classroom and Beyond.
Gail Chan (AIR) and Megan Sambolt (AIR). - Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness (Washington, DC, March 2014).
The Impact of the Good Behavior Game on Teacher Reported Student Behavior.
Jeanne Poduska (AIR), Anja Kurki (AIR), Wei Wang (University of South Florida), Yibing Li (AIR). - CADCA's 24th National Leadership Forum and SAMHSA's 10th Prevention Day (National Harbor, MD, February 2014).
Considerations of Culture and Context when Implementing Evidence-Based Prevention Programs: Process, Challenges, and Opportunities.
Jeanne Poduska, Zeph Capo (HFT), Jacqueline Lloyd (NIDA), Karen Montgomery (NE GBG coach). - 2013 Upstream Suicide Prevention: A learning day sponsored by the Office of Mental Health, Office of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services (Glen Falls, NY, September 2013).
The Good Behavior Game A Universal Prevention Strategy to Promote Student Success in the Classroom and Beyond.
Jeanne Poduska (AIR). - Global Implementation Conference (Washington, DC, August 2013).
The Influence of Multilevel Contextual Factors on the Implementation of the Good Behavior Game.
Anja Kurki (AIR), Wei Wang (University of South Florida), Jeanne Poduska (AIR), Yibing Li (AIR). - National PBIS Leadership Forum (Chicago, IL, October 2013).
Improving Classroom Behavior Using the Good Behavior Game in PBIS Schools in Nebraska.
Jolene Palmer (Nebraska Department of Education) , Gail Chan (AIR), Anja Kurki (AIR), Judith Littman (AIR) and Jeanne Poduska (AIR). - Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness (Washington, DC, October 2013).
Measurement of Child Behavior via Classroom Observations in the Good Behavior Game Professional Development Models Randomized Control Trial.Anja Kurki (AIR), Yibing Li (AIR), Wei Wang (University of South Florida), Jeanne Poduska (AIR).
- European Society for Prevention Science (Paris, France, November 2013).
The Good Behavior Game A Universal Prevention Strategy to Promote Student Success in the Classroom and Beyond.
Jeanne Poduska (AIR). - Society for Prevention Research (San Francisco, CA, May 2013).
Classroom Observations of Child Aggressive and Disruptive Behaviors.
Anja Kurki (AIR), Wei Wang (University of South Florida), Yibing Li (AIR) and Jeanne Poduska (AIR).